Cyban AI

Adding intelligence to your cyber risk management

Complex analytics making risk management simple

Intelligence built-in

Cyban AI is the intelligence behind the Cyban dashboard, processing the feeds from the Cyban sensors to create a holistic picture of your cyber risk.

Advanced algorithms in Cyban AI assess the quantity of sensitive data records your organisation holds. Combined with information about security flaws used by hackers, Cyban AI can calculate an accurate measure of your value at risk, ransomware exposure, cyber scores, and other important metrics for the Cyban dashboard.

Analytics in a secure cloud server environment

Cyban AI operates on our secure Cyban cloud environment. You simply create a Cyban account, install the sensor on the devices you want to monitor, and the sensor securely sends a feed to our cloud environment for Cyban AI to process in near real-time.

Your data stays on your devices

Cyban does not copy or transmit any of your business data. Cyban AI simply receives and processes feeds generated by the sensor.

Designed and built by security experts

Cyban is designed and built in the UK by experts with many years of experience, using military-grade security protocols, you can rely on Cyban. Learn more here.

Find out more about the Cyban service