Keeping Cyban secure
Security from the ground up
Built with military-grade security
All user accounts are secured with bcrypt password hashing.
All communications are secured with TLS 1.2.
Data-at-rest is secured with AES-256 encryption.
Dedicated encryption keys are generated specifically for you and encryption is managed by the Cyban sensor installed on your device and your own Cyban account registered on the Cyban cloud server.
You are in control; our Cyban staff are unable to decrypt your data at any time.
Collection, analysis and presentation in the Cyban dashboard of your personally identifiable information is 100% covered by true end-to-end encryption where dedicated cryptographic keys are generated for you. All encryption is done locally on your devices by the Cyban sensor. Our Cyban AI server does not have access to and is never able to learn your encryption key or decrypt your data. Only you can access your data in the Dashboard via your account. Cyban staff are unable to decrypt your data at any time.
Designed and built by security experts
- Compiled in a clean room with state of the art tools
- Always verified by over 70 anti-virus scanners
- Written in the Go programming language (Golang) for extreme security
- Four-eyes control on all source code
End to end encryption
- All feeds from the sensor are encrypted using military-grade AES-256 encryption
- A split-key encryption system gives defence in depth
- Only you can see your sensitive data
Fully transparent
- No admin passwords required
- Easily uninstall at any time
- Protects all employees, whether in the office or working remotely